Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Newton zings Conroy over claims that Internet filter was never going to be the complete answer to Net nasties

Ah, yes: "Not a silver bullet," which is politician-talk for "We know this won't work but we're going to do it anyway."

"The rest of the policy is largely ignored by those who oppose it" because if you take the "clean feed" out of the ALP's (ridiculously-named) Cyber Safety policy you end up with something that's largely supportable.

But even there the Minister isn't quite on-point, because he misses the fact that some of us actually have spent time talking about other parts of the Government's policy. For example, where he points out that his policy includes "$49 million for an additional 91 Australian Federal Police officers for the Child Protection Unit," some of us have made hay about how that's actually a budget cut, given that the previous Government committed nearly $3 million more for staff that'd have started work an entire year earlier. Rudd's razor-gang cut it back and delayed it, yet now Conroy portrays the reductions as some kind of triumph.

Oh well. If he wants to draw attention to it that's his loss.

The other thing the Minister has defended in this article is the use of the Refused Classification category for a mechanism to ban content for adults.

Despite his contentions in this article, the Minister knows that RC content has never been illegal.

Read the rest in Crikey comments